It has recently become apparent that certain club members are unhappy with the above. The selection committee go to a great deal of time in  attempting to stick to one simple rule and that is to attempt to secure the best possible result for Cramlington Bowling Club, we believe that we are successful in this and would point to the relevant League Tables to support this argument.

We acknowledge that we cannot please all of the members all of the time and would invite anyone who has strong feelings with the work of the committee to discuss these with any member of the committee in order that they can be drawn to the attention of all of us and not to air these thoughts publically.

On a separate but equally important note twice this week two members of the club have been involved in a heated verbal exchange not only publically but at the home green of our opponents. This behaviour is unacceptable and does nothing to enhance the good reputation of the Bowling Club, the committee may take action against members by way of omission from team selection should this occur in the future.

I once again repeat that if any team members have concerns then these should not be aired publically but discussed in private with one of us.

John Harrison
