Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 20 October 2022.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting the Chairman informed the meeting that in the absence of the Secretary due to family commitments Bob had agreed to take the minutes of the meeting.
In Attendance, 17 members and 4 members of the Committee, meaning that the meeting was quorate. The Chairman opened the meeting by thanking everyone for their attendance on what was a very wet night.
Apologies for absence were received from P Timney, L Lowdon, D Smith,R Goldsmith, B Lowen, K Miller, and K.Twist
Bereavements, the Chairman informed the meeting that he had been made aware of the passing of Colin Brown and Bob Dunn and was informed that Jack Hartford had also passed away. The meeting stood in silence in tribute and remembrance of our former friends.
Bob read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved.
There were no matters arising.
The Chairman read the following statement to the meeting:
Once again this year I have to mention the way in which we conduct ourselves both on and off the green. Over the last year I have witnessed examples of shouting, swearing table banging and even threats, on one occasion when I attempted to restore order to a meeting I was ignored and shouted down. This has occurred at away greens as well as at Cramlington and does nothing for the good name of the club.
This is behaviour that I am not prepared to accept nor do I see any reason why anyone should be expected to.
I think that at times we need to remind ourselves that there are always two sides to a disagreement, we are not always right and conversely the other person is not always wrong, we need to accept that everyone is entitled to their opinion whether or not we agree and to respect that person’s point of view.
In conclusion I propose a motion that we take to all members that we agree to treat each other with respect and dignity at all times without resorting to shouting or swearing and recognize that at times we can agree to disagree and that failure to comply with the resolution may result in suspension.
Following a short debate the motion was carried unanimously.
It was suggested that the motion be copied to the notice board and drawn to the attention of all members for signature and compliance, and that a warning be given prior to suspension.
Season review and Chairman’s report.
The Chairman reported as follows:
Monday, Blyth Valley League, Cramlington finished fifth.
Tuesday, Nines, Cramlington finished 7th.
In the Knight Cup, I’m delighted to say that Cramlington won the league for the second consecutive season this is a tremendous achievement and one that hasn’t been done before by Cramlington in the history of the competition which dates back to 1938.
Wednesday, Clegg, Cramlington finished 6th although we were only 3 points behind the third-place team
Thursday, Parliamentary League, Cramlington finished second to a very strong side from Benfield.
Friday, Crawford Smith League, Cramlington won the league and Klondyke finished a very creditable 4thplace.
Aside from the above I’m pleased to say that once again a team from Cramlington won the Jubilee Cup, the third time we have won it in 4 years of the competition, on the subject of the Jubilee, a very special thanks to David Smith who turned out at very short notice to play in the semi-final.
In the Blyth Valley Pairs, once again a Team from Cramlington comprising David Clough and Keith Twist were successful.
It’s worth noting that 7 players from Cramlington were selected to represent Northumberland in various competitions, Paul, Darren, Ashleigh, Keith, Bryan, Dave and Jacky: we congratulate them all.
He then proceeded to offer the following thanks:
Firstly, I should like to thank all Members of the Committee, to Paul and Lee who have carried the respective roles of Secretary and Treasurer as well as Joe, Tony and Terry for their dedication in relation to Team Selection and to Kevin for his input into the process.
The continued high quality of our website is entirely down to the hard work of Keith as is the care of our Facebook page from Joe.
Tony for continuing to run the jumbles as well as maintaining our stocks of refreshments.
To Darren for continuing to look after the care and cleanliness of our Buildings.
To Tony, Kevin, Jimmy and Bob for their ongoing care and attention of the green and the surrounding areas and to Lee for his work installing lighting.
To Dave Melling for our Wishing Well, something we could all use at times.
In addition to the above who I have mentioned by name I extend a grateful thanks to all who made their vehicles available to transport our teams to away games, without their help we would struggle. I’d also mention the group of people who regularly turn up early to help with the setting up of the green and are always around to help when putting things away.
In the absence of the Treasurer the Chairman presented the Treasurers Report and informed the meeting that Travelling expenses would be available at the close of the meeting. In view of the continuing fluctuation in the price of fuel it was agreed to review Travelling Expenses at the Spring Meeting.
Competition entries were agreed for the next season.
Election of Committee and Officers, Joe, Tony and Terry were re-appointed to the Committee. As 2 nominations had been received for the position of Secretary a ballot was held and the outcome was Norman Reeve, 13 votes, David Clough, 8 votes Norman was therefore appointed as Secretary for the coming season. Lee and John were re-appointed as Treasurer and Chairman.
Prizes were presented as follows:
Runner up
Jim Harrison
David Jackson.
Runners up
Brian Usher and Keith Miller
Tony Fantozzi and Darren Mitchell
2 Wood
Runner up
Darren Mitchell
Dave Clough
Runner up
John Summerside
Bryan Turner
Club Championship
Runner up
Dave Clough
Bryan Turner.
12 AOB.
The Chairman informed the meeting that 3 items of additional business had been received
“I propose that we have individual Captains for each team playing in either the afternoon or evening and that these Captains form part of the selection Committee. All Captains should be in attendance at their team’s match. What we don’t want is one individual selecting the teams.”
Following a brief debate the motion was carried by 20 votes to 1.
Direction of Play, the motion called for adherence of the Club Bye Laws in relation to direction of play and was carried without opposition.
It was agreed that we fall in line with the majority of other Bowling Clubs in equalising subscriptions for men and women subject to the acceptance of this minute at the Spring Meeting.