Appropriate Dress and Footwear.
The co-operation of all Members is sought in following the guidance note below
It has come to the attention of the Committee that Members have been attending the Club to play internal matches inappropriately dressed. Could I remind everyone that the proper dress code for all matches is White tops and Grey trousers, skirts or shorts approved by Bowls England, there are no exceptions to this rule and anyone not appropriately dressed may be required to forfeit their matches.
It has further come to our attention that Members are playing wearing Training Shoes. Trainers are unacceptable and are causing unnecessary wear and tear to the green. We are aware that the green is in a poor condition but it is not helped by the additional wear caused by Trainers.
The only acceptable form of footwear is flat soled shoes with no heels and these should be worn at all times on the green.
John Harrison