Cramlington Bowling Club

End of Seson Report and Future Business.

  1. Review of Season.

After a considerable delay we were finally allowed to play Bowls from 23rd May and our season was forced to an end on 17th September. During this time all Members were allowed to take part in casual play, via a booking procedure and observing strict hygiene rules. In addition to casual play we took part in a mini Blyth Veterans League in which we defeated Bedlington, Cowpen and Crofton and Astley Park. A number of friendlies were also arranged the highlight of which was defeating a team from Gosforth.

On the competitions front the club held the Club Championship and the 2 wood singles. Congratulations to Roy Goldsmith who defeated Dave Tunnicliffe in the Club Championship final and to John Summerside who defeated John Harrison in the final of the 2 wood.

  1. Acknowledgments.

Firstly I should like to thank all Members who made a payment to the club, I am aware of a number of you who paid in full with no intention of playing under the current circumstances.

I should personally like to express thanks to all Committee Members for their work this year, it has been difficult and at times extremely frustrating, however I think that we can be proud of the efforts of our Club and compared to others we have at least been able to enjoy some bowling.

In addition to the Committee I would like to thank the following:

  • Jimmy Harrison for extensive and excellent painting of the Club.
  • Dave Melling and Steve Wilson for the work to the grounds and the building of the new storage shed.
  • Kevin Miles for his continued work in looking after the green and surrounds.
  • Tony Fantozzi for organising the jumbles.
  • Jamie York, our Green Keeper from the County Council who has performed brilliantly on our behalf.
  • Keith Twist for looking after our Club Website.
  • Northumberland County Council and Cramlington Town Council for their continued financial support.
  1. Defibrillator.

As many of you may have noticed the Defibrillator has now been installed, this work has been carried at no cost to the Club as a full grant was received from Northumberland County Council. Once restrictions are lifted we will arrange for training in the use of the equipment to be carried out.

  1. Membership.

Understandingly a number of our existing Members have chosen not to play this year.

Our current membership stands at 58, including 3 life Members. Included in this number are 18 new Members most of whom have indicated that they’ll be returning next year whilst others paid to play when their home clubs were inactive.

5 Treasures Report.

Attached to this report as appendices are copies of the current Balance Sheet and a summary of our Financial Position, any queries I’m sure that Brian will be happy to address.

  1. Committee Membership.

At present the flowing have agreed to stand for the Committee:

  • Chairman John Harrison
  • Secretary Bob Harrison
  • Treasurer Brian Usher

In addition to the above Joe Dixon and Terry Gardner have agreed to remain on the Committee. Should anyone object to any of the above, or, more importantly should any Member be prepared to serve on the Committee please let me know.

  1. League and Cup Entries 2021.

Our intention is to enter Leagues as follows;

Afternoons, Blyth Valley two sides, Crawford Smith, 2 sides, and one team in the Parliamentary League.

County Leagues, one team in each of the Nines, Knight and Clegg plus entries in the Edwardson, Challenge and Jubilee Cups.

At National level we intend entering sides in the Top Club and Double Fours Competitions.

  1. Any other Business.

Should any Member object to any of the above or wish to raise any other matters please let me know by 10thOctober. We’ll attempt to respond to any additional matters raised or any challenges to any of the above at a Committee level, should this not be possible then we’ll have to adjourn the issue until we’re are able to hold a proper meeting.

Appendix 1 Balance Sheet.

 Monies In Monies Out
Value £DateReasonValue £Date 
 24/03/2020Subs to date56.0010/10/20192xTickets BNOT Presentation evening
515.00  Cheques25.8117/10/2019Annual General Meeting Buffet (J Harrison)
1056.00  Cash131.0021/10/2019Cheque (Bank) Bowls Northumberland*
1750.0010/02/2020From NCC for purchase Defib20.0021/10/2019Cash(Bank)Engraving
421.0012/05/2020Refunds subs from N’land Bowls50.0021/10/2019Roofing Felt(Bowls Shed) – K Miles
2,2020/09/2020Sundries (water)26.0022/10/2019UPVc to replace battens on Bowls Shed – K Miles
  382.0016/01/2020Cheque (Bank) Bowls Northumberland*
  120.0014/02/2020Sutton Winson Insurance
  10.0011/03/2020Crawford Smith Subs
  8.0003/06/2020Soap dispenser keys (BU)
  11.3229/06/2020Dispense soap Amazon (BU)
  1,750.0006/07/2020Defib payment (cheque)
  9.0030/09/2020Spray chalk
3742.00 2,690.27 

Appendix 2. Financial Position.

Cramlington Bowling Club

Summary of Financial Position 2020




 £   3,742.00 

 £   2,690.27 

 £ 1,051.73 

Bank balance September 2019

 £ 10,953.59 

Bank balance July 2020

 £ 11,247.43 

Net Deposits 2020

 £   293.84 

Cash receipts at September 2020

 £   757.89 

 £   1,051.73 

Cash bfw from 2019

 £   131.41 

Total Cash in hand September 2020

 £   889.30 

John Harrison
