On Saturday 10th August Cramlington Bowling Club hosted their 3 bowl open triples competition.
The competition recently re-named the Brian Hardcastle Open is one of the highlights in the clubs competitions calendar. A total of 23 teams from clubs based throughout the North East taking part. Although weather ranging from sun to severe rain storms (not the best conditions for playing bowls)
the competition got underway at 09:30am and continued until 17:30pm when the final was played between a team from Hirst Park ( P.Nicholson, J.Howe & T.Whitelaw) and a team from Cramlington B.C. (D.Melling, K.Twist & D.Mitchell).After a well contested game Hirst Park running out the event winners. Our Congratulations to the Hirst Park Team who were worthy winners of the competition.

Of course the event wouldn’t run smoothly without our volunteers so many thanks to the following
Bob Harrison (whistle blower), John Harrison and Joe Dickson for organising the event and making sure the competition kept on track.

Our Club members who helped out throughout the day.

I would also like to mention our ladies who sold tickets and provided food and beverages throughout the day and without whom the competition would not have been so successful. Many thanks to you one and all.

Last but not least to the teams taking part who despite the weather conditions played with such enthusiasm throughout the day.

Winners of the 2019 Brian Hardcastle Open
L To R Peter Nicholson Joe howe & Tony Whitelaw
Hirst Park Bowling Club


L To R Keith Twist David Melling & Darren Mitchell
Cramlington Bowling Club